Heinrich RothAge: 60 years1570–1630
- Name
- Heinrich Roth
- Given names
- Heinrich
- Surname
- Roth
Birth | about 1570 Note: Vielleicht in Speyer geboren?
Marriage | Margarethe von Hattorf — View this family 1607 (Age 37 years) |
Death | 1630 (Age 60 years) |
Family with Margarethe von Hattorf |
himself |
Heinrich Roth Birth: about 1570 Death: 1630 |
wife |
Margarethe von Hattorf Birth: about 1585 34 24 — Osterode am Harz, Göttingen Death: before July 8, 1646 |
Marriage: 1607 — Osterode am Harz, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany |
- Generation 1
Heinrich Roth was born about 1570 and died in 1630. He married Margarethe von Hattorf, daughter of Heinrich von Hattorf and Elisabeth Dortmund, in 1607 in Osterode am Harz, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany. She was born about 1585 in Osterode am Harz, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany and died before July 8, 1646.