
Johann Friedrich CrauelAge: 83 years15811665

Johann Friedrich Crauel
Given names
Johann Friedrich
Birth July 2, 1581
MarriageChristina von HattorfView this family
April 28, 1616 (Age 34 years)
Death of a wifeChristina von Hattorf
June 1, 1638 (Age 56 years)
Death January 8, 1665 (Age 83 years)

Family with Christina von Hattorf - View this family
Christina von Hattorf
Birth: between 1590 and 1592 39 29Osterode am Harz, Göttingen
Death: June 1, 1638Osterode am Harz, Göttingen
Marriage: April 28, 1616Einbeck, Northeim, Niedersachsen, Germany

  1. Generation 1
    1. Johann Friedrich Crauel was born on July 2, 1581 in Alfeld, Hildesheim, Niedersachsen, Germany and died on January 8, 1665 at the age of 83. He married Christina von Hattorf, daughter of Heinrich von Hattorf and Elisabeth Dortmund, on April 28, 1616 in Einbeck, Northeim, Niedersachsen, Germany. She was born between 1590 and 1592 in Osterode am Harz, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany and died on June 1, 1638 in Osterode am Harz, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany.