Catherina BarbakeAge: 25 years1545–1570
- Name
- Catherina Barbake
Birth | about 1545 |
Marriage | Cordt von Strombeck — View this family about 1565 (Age 20 years) |
Death | before 1570 (Age 25 years) |
Reference number | Cordt von Strombeck — View this family 14441 |
Family with Cordt von Strombeck |
husband |
Cordt von Strombeck Birth: about 1540 30 18 Death: October 1, 1595 — Leipzig, Sachsen |
herself |
Catherina Barbake Birth: about 1545 Death: before 1570 |
Marriage: about 1565 — |
child |
Cordt von Strombeck + Emerentia Pawel |
husband |
Cordt von Strombeck Birth: about 1540 30 18 Death: October 1, 1595 — Leipzig, Sachsen |
husband’s wife |
Emerentia Pawel Birth: 1550 37 30 — Halberstadt, Sachsen-Anhalt Death: Bornum, Niedersachsen, Germany — January 28, 1623 |
Marriage: about 1570 — |
18 months step-daughter |
Emerentia von Strombeck Birth: July 6, 1571 31 21 — Braunschweig, Niedersachsen Death: about October 1, 1620 — Leipzig, Sachsen |
18 years step-daughter |
Lucie von Strombeck Birth: March 15, 1589 49 39 — Braunschweig, Niedersachsen |
-15 years step-daughter |
Ilse von Strombeck Birth: June 18, 1574 34 24 Death: October 5, 1616 |
- Generation 1
Catherina Barbake was born about 1545 and died before 1570. She married Cordt von Strombeck, son of Gereke von Strombeck and Ilse von Vechelde, about 1565. He was born about 1540 and died on October 1, 1595 in Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany.
Children of Catherina Barbake and Cordt von Strombeck: