
Dorothea Emilia NootsAge: 82 years18261908

Dorothea Emilia Noots
Birth March 26, 1826 30 29
Christening March 26, 1826

Death of a maternal grandfatherJoannes Clercx
August 4, 1826 (Age 4 months)
Death of a maternal grandmotherAnna Mechtildis Huveneers
August 4, 1826 (Age 4 months)
Death of a maternal grandfatherJoannes Clercx
August 5, 1826 (Age 4 months)
Death of a maternal grandmotherAnna Mechtildis Huveneers
August 5, 1826 (Age 4 months)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAldegonda Barbier
May 3, 1827 (Age 13 months)
Birth of a sisterMaria Virginia Noots
May 27, 1829 (Age 3 years)
Christening of a sisterMaria Virginia Noots
May 27, 1829 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a brotherJoannes Theodorus Noots
October 29, 1831 (Age 5 years)
Christening of a brotherJoannes Theodorus Noots
October 29, 1831 (Age 5 years)

Birth of a brotherWillem Henricus Noots
November 4, 1833 (Age 7 years)
Christening of a brotherWillem Henricus Noots
November 4, 1833 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a brotherDr. Adolph Hubert Noots
August 15, 1837 (Age 11 years)
Christening of a brotherDr. Adolph Hubert Noots
August 16, 1837 (Age 11 years)

Birth of a brotherFerdinandus Lambertus Noots
September 17, 1841 (Age 15 years)
Christening of a brotherFerdinandus Lambertus Noots
September 17, 1841 (Age 15 years)

Birth of a brotherWillem Henricus Noots
November 4, 1843 (Age 17 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherAnna Mechtildis Huveneers
June 8, 1844 (Age 18 years)
Death of a fatherHenri Guillaume “Willem” Noots
September 25, 186214:00 (Age 36 years)
MarriageAdriaan Sebastian Thomas SeyensView this family
Standesamtl. Trauung
February 13, 1865 (Age 38 years)
MarriageAdriaan Sebastian Thomas SeyensView this family
February 14, 1865 (Age 38 years)
Death of a motherDorothea Clercx
April 10, 188515:00 (Age 59 years)
Death of a husbandAdriaan Sebastian Thomas Seyens
February 11, 1893 (Age 66 years)
Death of a brotherJoannes Theodorus Noots
June 27, 1900 (Age 74 years)
Death of a brotherFerdinandus Lambertus Noots
December 9, 1900 (Age 74 years)
Death of a brotherDr. Adolph Hubert Noots
May 21, 1901 (Age 75 years)
Restriction: Show to visitors
Death August 23, 1908 (Age 82 years)
Record Change March 2, 2002 (93 years after death)

Reference numberAdriaan Sebastian Thomas SeyensView this family

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 1, 1823Neerpelt, Pelt, Limburg - Limbourg, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium
Marriage: February 4, 1823Neerpelt, Pelt, Limburg - Limbourg, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium
16 months
elder sister
21 months
Dorothea Emilia Noots
Birth: March 26, 1826 30 29Neerpelt, Pelt
Death: August 23, 1908Nederweert, Limburg - Limbourg
3 years
younger sister
Maria Virginia Noots
Birth: May 27, 1829 33 33Neerpelt, Pelt
Death: October 19, 1921Neerpelt, Pelt
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
Willem Henricus Noots
Birth: November 4, 1833 38 37Neerpelt, Pelt
Death: 85 Jahre altJune 14, 1919Neerpelt, Pelt
8 years
younger brother
Ferdinandus Lambertus Noots
Birth: September 17, 1841 45 45Neerpelt, Pelt
Death: December 9, 1900Neerpelt, Pelt
-4 years
younger brother
Family with Adriaan Sebastian Thomas Seyens - View this family
Dorothea Emilia Noots
Birth: March 26, 1826 30 29Neerpelt, Pelt
Death: August 23, 1908Nederweert, Limburg - Limbourg
Marriage: February 13, 1865Neerpelt, Pelt, Limburg - Limbourg, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium
Marriage: February 14, 1865Neerpelt, Pelt, Limburg - Limbourg, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium
Adriaan Sebastian Thomas Seyens + Joanna Margaretha Hubertina Greijmans - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: January 24, 1849Nederweert, Limburg - Limbourg, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium

  1. Generation 1
    1. Dorothea Emilia Noots, daughter of Henri Guillaume “Willem” Noots and Dorothea Clercx, was born on March 26, 1826 in Neerpelt, Pelt, Limburg - Limbourg, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium and died on August 23, 1908 in Nederweert, Limburg - Limbourg, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium at the age of 82. She married Adriaan Sebastian Thomas Seyens, son of Hermanus Theodoor Seyens and Joanna Maria Koeckhofs, on February 14, 1865 in Neerpelt, Pelt, Limburg - Limbourg, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium. He was born on December 12, 1818 in Budel, Cranendonck, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands and died on February 11, 1893 in Nederweert, Limburg - Limbourg, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium at the age of 74.