Ernst LangenstraßenAge: 90 years1905–1995
- Name
- Ernst Langenstraßen
Birth | about 1905 47 25 |
Christening | evangelisch yes |
Birth of a brother | Otto Langenstrassen November 21, 1909 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a father | Otto Langenstraßen May 6, 1936 (Age 31 years) |
Occupation | Gastwirt des Auerhahns in Hahnenklee between 1936 and 1976 (Age 31 years) |
Occupation | Gastwirt, Lokalbesitzer |
Death | December 31, 1995 (Age 90 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Otto Langenstraßen Birth: February 4, 1857 39 28 — Goslar, Niedersachsen Death: May 6, 1936 |
mother |
Auguste Diedrich Birth: March 29, 1879 — Goslar, Niedersachsen |
Marriage: about 1900 — |
6 years himself |
Ernst Langenstraßen Birth: about 1905 47 25 Death: December 31, 1995 |
5 years younger brother |
Otto Langenstrassen Birth: November 21, 1909 52 30 |
Family with Mathilde Dodenhof |
himself |
Ernst Langenstraßen Birth: about 1905 47 25 Death: December 31, 1995 |
wife |
Mathilde Dodenhof Birth: about 1910 Death: after 1995 |
son |
Private |
- Generation 1
Ernst Langenstraßen, gastwirt des Auerhahns in Hahnenklee (between 1936 and 1976) and gastwirt, Lokalbesitzer, son of Otto Langenstraßen and Auguste Diedrich, was born about 1905 and died on December 31, 1995.
Ernst Langenstraßen and Mathilde Dodenhof had 1 child.
- Generation 2back to topThe details of this generation are private.