Dorothea von VecheldeAge: 46 years1535–1581
- Name
- Dorothea von Vechelde
Footnote: 1. Schaefer, Dieter: Ahnenliste für Ernst Langenstraßen (*1940g), Auerhahn. Unveröffentlichte Ahnenliste, Siegburg 2003, S. 115.
Birth | about 1535 47 38 |
Christening | Luth. yes |
Death of a sister | Ilse von Vechelde before 1548 (Age 13 years) |
Death of a mother | Catharina von Winthem September 23, 1550 (Age 15 years) |
Death of a father | Cort I. von Vechelde February 1, 1554 (Age 19 years) |
Marriage | Wedde der Ältere von Glümer — View this family 1573 (Age 38 years) |
Death of a brother | Bernt IV. von Vechelde August 26, 1579 (Age 44 years) |
Death | 1581 (Age 46 years) |
Reference number | Wedde der Ältere von Glümer — View this family 15486 |
Family with parents |
father |
Cort I. von Vechelde Birth: March 17, 1487 33 31 — Braunschweig, Niedersachsen Death: February 1, 1554 — Braunschweig, Niedersachsen |
mother |
Catharina von Winthem Birth: about 1497 52 — Hannover, Niedersachsen Death: September 23, 1550 |
Marriage: between 1520 and 1522 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany |
3 years elder sister |
Ilse von Vechelde Birth: about 1522 34 25 Death: before 1548 |
14 years herself |
Dorothea von Vechelde Birth: about 1535 47 38 Death: 1581 |
-7 years elder sister |
Margarethe von Vechelde Birth: 1527 39 30 Death: October 8, 1591 |
brother | |
sibling | |
brother |
Bernt IV. von Vechelde Death: August 26, 1579 — Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern |
sister | |
brother |
… von Vechelde Birth: Totgeboren |
brother | |
brother | |
brother | |
sibling | |
sister | |
sibling | |
sister |
Family with Wedde der Ältere von Glümer |
husband |
Wedde der Ältere von Glümer Birth: 1528 Death: 1598 |
herself |
Dorothea von Vechelde Birth: about 1535 47 38 Death: 1581 |
Marriage: 1573 — |
- Generation 1
Dorothea von Vechelde, daughter of Cort I. von Vechelde and Catharina von Winthem, was born about 1535 and died in 1581. She married Wedde der Ältere von Glümer in 1573. He was born in 1528 and died in 1598 at the age of 70.
Name | Footnote: 1. Schaefer, Dieter: Ahnenliste für Ernst Langenstraßen (*1940g), Auerhahn. Unveröffentlichte Ahnenliste, Siegburg 2003, S. 115. |