Ellen Wilma HonigmannAge: 84 years1909–1994
- Name
- Ellen Wilma Honigmann
- Given names
- Ellen Wilma
- Surname
- Honigmann
- Married name
- Ellen Wilma Irmer
- Married name
- Ellen Wilma Unger
- Married name
- Ellen Wilma Friedhof
- Romanized
- Helena Guilielmina Honigmann
Birth | April 3, 1909 47 32 |
Christening | May 11, 1909 (Age 38 days) Godmother: Julie Melanie de Meyer — maternal grandmother Religion: Römisch katholisch |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Carolina Wilhelmina Adolphina Brinckmann October 5, 1910 (Age 18 months) |
Birth of a sister | Vera Honigmann February 2, 1916 (Age 6 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Julie Melanie de Meyer April 20, 1924 (Age 15 years) |
Death of a mother | Adolphina Dorothea Victoria “Ada” Noots December 11, 1924 (Age 15 years) Address: Westkorso 6 Cause: Herzschlag Source: Herwald, Carla geb. Honigmann Text: Sie sackte im Beisein von Familienmitgliedern beim Frühstück (Erinnerung Dr. Daniel Eisermann an die Überlieferung) nach vorn auf den Tisch (Erinnerung Jessica Eisermann an die Überlieferung) und war sofort tot. Dabei trug sie das Honigmann-Medaillon um den Hals, das seitdem für Carla und Nora großen Erinnerungswert besaß. |
Marriage | Paul Irmer junior — View this family 1927 (Age 17 years) |
Death of a father | Ernst Gotthelf Honigmann June 28, 1927 – 11:00 (Age 18 years) Address: St. Franziskus Hospital |
Address | Savignyplatz 13 January 18, 1936 (Age 26 years) Associate: Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger — husband |
Address | Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger February 21, 1936 (Age 26 years) |
Residence | Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger between 1937 and 1938 (Age 27 years) |
Address | Bleibtreustraße 8 / II. between 1937 and August 6, 1940 (Age 27 years) Associate: Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger — husband |
Address | December 1, 1944 (Age 35 years) |
Reference number | Paul Irmer junior — View this family 9372 |
Religious marriage | Christian Hermann Karl “Kurt” Friedhof — View this family August 31, 1950 (Age 41 years) Address: Bahnhofstr. 6 Witness: Wilhelm August Hermann Friedhof — father — father-in-law |
Address | Gipsmühlenweg 23 about 1955 (Age 45 years) |
Address | October 16, 1959 (Age 50 years) |
Death of a sister | Carla Else Wilhelmine Honigmann March 5, 1974 (Age 64 years) Cause: Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs |
Death of a sister | Ada Honigmann July 9, 1987 (Age 78 years) |
Death of a husband | Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger April 8, 1991 – 08:15 (Age 82 years) |
Death of a husband | Christian Hermann Karl “Kurt” Friedhof about 1994 (Age 84 years) Address: Hammerspitzweg 7 |
Occupation | Hausfrau March 28, 1994 (on the date of death) |
Death | March 28, 1994 – 10:49 (Age 84 years) Address: Verstorben im Krankenhaus Trettachstr. 16, Oberstdorf;
Wohnhaft Hammerspitzweg 7, Oberstdorf |
Reference number | Christian Hermann Karl “Kurt” Friedhof — View this family 8751 |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: June 9, 1861 31 26 — Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: June 28, 1927 — Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
mother |
Birth: February 16, 1877 39 23 — Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern Death: December 11, 1924 — Bad Oeynhausen, Minden-Lübbecke |
Marriage: September 17, 1898 — Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium |
2 years elder brother |
Hugo Honigmann Birth: before October 1900 39 23 Death: |
8 months elder sister |
Birth: June 16, 1901 40 24 — Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern Death: July 9, 1987 |
22 months elder sister |
Birth: April 20, 1903 41 26 — Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern Death: March 5, 1974 |
6 years herself |
Birth: April 3, 1909 47 32 — Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern Death: March 28, 1994 — Oberstdorf, Oberallgäu |
7 years younger sister |
Birth: February 2, 1916 54 38 — Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern Death: June 11, 2009 — Bochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Family with Paul Irmer junior |
husband |
Paul Irmer junior Death: |
herself |
Birth: April 3, 1909 47 32 — Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern Death: March 28, 1994 — Oberstdorf, Oberallgäu |
Marriage: 1927 — Bad Oeynhausen, Minden-Lübbecke, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
Family with Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger |
husband |
Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger Birth: March 19, 1901 36 23 — Podmokly - Bodenbach, Děčín - Tetschen Death: April 8, 1991 — Rotthalmünster, Passau |
herself |
Birth: April 3, 1909 47 32 — Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern Death: March 28, 1994 — Oberstdorf, Oberallgäu |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
son |
Private |
Family with Christian Hermann Karl “Kurt” Friedhof |
husband |
Christian Hermann Karl “Kurt” Friedhof Birth: August 2, 1914 40 34 — Osterode am Harz, Göttingen Death: about 1994 — Oberstdorf, Oberallgäu |
herself |
Birth: April 3, 1909 47 32 — Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern Death: March 28, 1994 — Oberstdorf, Oberallgäu |
Marriage: August 31, 1950 — Osterode am Harz, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany |
Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger + Private |
husband |
Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger Birth: March 19, 1901 36 23 — Podmokly - Bodenbach, Děčín - Tetschen Death: April 8, 1991 — Rotthalmünster, Passau |
husband’s wife |
Private |
- Generation 1
Ellen Wilma Honigmann, hausfrau (on March 28, 1994), daughter of Ernst Gotthelf Honigmann and Adolphina Dorothea Victoria “Ada” Noots, was born on April 3, 1909 in Antwerpen - Anvers, Vlaanderen - Flandre - Flandern, Belgium and died on March 28, 1994 in Oberstdorf, Oberallgäu, Bayern, Germany at the age of 84. She married 3 times. The first time she married Paul Irmer junior, son of Private, in 1927 in Bad Oeynhausen, Minden-Lübbecke, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. The second time she married Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger, son of Vinzenz Unger and Maria Theresia Cusolle. The third time she married Christian Hermann Karl “Kurt” Friedhof, son of Wilhelm August Hermann Friedhof and Wilhelmine Alwine Marie Helene “Wine” Mügge, on August 31, 1950 in Osterode am Harz, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany. He was born on August 2, 1914 in Osterode am Harz, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany and died about 1994 in Oberstdorf, Oberallgäu, Bayern, Germany.
Ellen Wilma Honigmann and Friedrich Josef Vinzenz “Fritz” Unger had 3 children.
- Generation 2back to topThe details of this generation are private.
- Generation 3back to topThe details of this generation are private.
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